28 November 2006

subby suck-ups

Sometimes, I browse online discussions on D/s and just roll my eyes at some of the ridiculous-sounding submissives out there. These are the type that insist that everything in their world is always, 150% peachy-perfect. Every word they type reeks of effort to build a magical illusion where neither they nor (especially) their Dom can do wrong. If you believe them, their Dom is greater than a god, and the subs never put a foot wrong in the slightest, even in their thinking patterns. No insecurities in their minds, no questions, nothing but giddy, smiling idolisation.

Get real, people! You are people. Humans who are fallible, who fuck up, who have doubts and worries, who have "down" days. Why do you feel the need to convince others your world is so perfect?

I can understand some part of it: its probably a universal subbie trait to have a need to please. I can relate to the impulse to say the "right thing". And we all want to make our Master (or whatever the title...) look good - it shows respect, and does reflect a certain level of natural idealisation. But why take it to such extremes? Why not be honest, and admit your humanity?

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