19 November 2006

Some brief thoughts circling my mind this morning

I overheard a sub the other night, being asked "Why submit?", begin by replying "Thats a hard question.." It was an effort for me to bite my tongue and not jump in from across the room, very unsubly, with "Are you kidding me?? Thats the easiest question!"

My answer comes complete in my head with a full fanfare and a crowd of people cheering:
F R E E D O M !

Freedom from what? Myself, my worries, my desires, my fears, my responsibilities, my personality, even freedom from my own body it seems sometimes... He makes me limitless.

Listening to him talk about his experience, I realised something: Master has been dominating for longer than I have been alive. It made me feel proud to be his - what an honour that I could be considered worth his time! And then I remembered what he said to me recently, when I had pleased him: "You deserve me." How can I even respond to such a compliment? Thank you is nowhere near adequate. I can only show my appreciation for a statement like that in one way: by continuing to earn it the very best I can.

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